Portable Data Logger

Consumer electronics, Plastic design, User research, Industrial design

A Bangalore based technology start-up wants to design a hand-held battery powered data logger connected to its company’s servers remotely.

Placed in a very hostile location, the data logger collects data from various sensors mounted to their Product’s prototype. The data collected is then transferred remotely to the Company’s servers.

The idea behind this is to develop an ergonomically and aesthetically placed hand-held battery powered device which can collect data through various I/O terminals. The device even has a built-in Wifi which can connect with the engineer’s laptop to review information/data analytics collected from various sensors of the Product.

Graphler’s team collaborated with the client to understand the requirements precisely and combining industrial design expertise with mechanical and electrical engineering, we were able to achieve all of Client’s goal.

A subtle concept turned into a thoughtful design with flexible and a scalable hardware

Graphler supported with full product documentation, User-manuals, trouble-shooting manuals, animations and renderings. We also provided Production support with client’s existing manufacturing facility.

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