Structural base frames are welded ISMB and ISMC section for the application for mounting Super Diesel Generator. The frame is provided with lugs for lifting proposes and mountings to position the engine and alternator setup. US MIL standards are used to test the structure for various conditions of road and road induced shock, vibration analyses.
With respect to the application the following analyses were performed to determine the structural integrity of the assembly.
1. Lifting Analysis was performed for the crucial scenario of lifting the structure with payloads utilizing lifting diagonally opposite lugs only.
2. Acceleration Analyses were performed in all 3 axes with 1 and 1.5g to simulate the scenario of sudden braking and cornering effect.
3. Modal Analysis was performed to determine the natural frequency of the integrated structure and to find the possibility of resonance with the induced vibration, produced by the engine.
4. Harmonic vibration analyses were preformed along X, Y and Z axis as per MIL standards to determine the behavioral response of the base frame, to the forced vibration.
5. Shock analyses were performed with 11ms Saw tooth curve (as per MIL- STD – 810F Method 516.5 Procedure 1) to get the effect of sudden impact loading over the frame.

- Preparation of Finite Element Model abiding quality criteria by averting Warpage, Jacobian skewness issues etc.
- Applying Specific material Properties and payloads for the Structure.
For modal analyses the payload and gravity are applied and for other analyses the respective load and conditions are taken into account.
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